Phase 1
Our first goal for development was establishing the art direction. Before we picked out specific references, we all agreed to shoot for a simple and cartoony style.
As such, I went ahead and made a test model for the house. I used this time to practice modeling, testing out the layout of the house, and shape of the roof.


Phase 2
After a mood board was created and everyone agreed on a direction, I got to work modeling and texturing a house from scratch.
While I enjoyed the roundness of my test, in order to fit the style of our 2D assets I made the structure rigid but still kept flat and simple colors as part of the look. This also helped me finish the house much faster.
A table was also included behind the house to serve as a tool holder.
The roof tiles were textured by me using Paint Tool SAI, the wooden beams and stone foundation were free textures I found online.
Phase 3
Being lucky enough to model the Raccoon mob, I made him big and round like the ones I'd see on campus. Unfortunately it was out of scope to rig and animate him :(